About Us

Dreaming of Us is for those with a dream in their hearts; a burning desire for a brighter tomorrow.

Our goal is to be a positive resource for those lost in the thrashing waves of this crazy storm we call life.

With a passion for personal development, we’re your new-found friends, here to aid you in your journey to a life of freedom, fun, and fulfillment—the life you are 100% capable of attaining!

Want to get to know us better?

Our wedding day

Hello, friend! We’re Michele and Jacob. We appreciate you visiting this page and your interest in us.

We’ve been learning and growing together for 13 years and married for 10.

Life together is amazing, and so easy! Like a tale of two cities, it feels as if we’ve been together for a brief moment, yet known each other forever.

We enjoy studying wealthy and successful people, learning their secrets, and applying the concepts they use in their lives to better our own. It is from this interest, and a love for helping others, that Dreaming of Us was born.

From building healthy relationships to taking control of your finances, we want to help you achieve the life you deserve; the life of your dreams.

Hey! I’m Michele.

I’ve been budgeting since high school and was an accountant for 8 years. Although I enjoy aspects of accounting, it isn’t right for me as a career. My soul desires adventure, creativity, and to help others.

My dream from early on was to combine those desires into a career. Throughout high school and college I was driven and goal oriented. I graduated both with honors while working a full time job (at times more than full time).

So what went wrong? Why didn’t the business I opened succeed? Why didn’t I start that YouTube channel I had made content for? Why didn’t I achieve the life I desired?

The answer is simple – ME. MY fear, MY insecurities, and the myths I adopted as facts. 

What a relief that discovery was! I can fix myself! My mindset has completely changed since that discovery. I’m pushing myself out of my way and chasing the life I desire! 

My hope is to help you get out of your way and achieve greatness no matter where you are in your journey. 

The Details:

  • I’m obsessed with self-improvement.
  • I struggled with social anxiety. It was so bad, I couldn’t be myself when part of a group of 3 or more – even if that group was immediate family.
  • Nothing speaks to my soul quite like being in the great outdoors, whether it’s hiking, camping, gardening, or just relaxing in the yard.
  • I’m a crafter at heart.  I can think of a million ways to use everyday items, including what most would consider trash.  Poor Jake never knows what’s safe to throw away! laughing
  • I absolutely LOVE chocolate!

Hi there! I’m Jake.

Pier at Panama City Beach in Florida at sunset

I’m a fitness enthusiast and have been ever since I was a kid. Whether I was lifting weights, tricking on my skateboard, or being an acrobat on (or off) the trampoline, I was almost constantly active.

On the outside, I was fearless, maybe even borderline crazy with some of the stunts I pulled (doing flips off of walls, picnic tables, etc.), but in reality I was taking medication and even went to therapy for a while to combat severe anxiety and depression.

To make a long story short, by God’s grace I rose from that darkness, carrying with me a desire to make a positive change in the lives of others.

In the end, life is a journey and I’m excited to share with you the knowledge I’ve gained along the way.

Jake Hiking

The Details:

  • I’ve done work in many fields including fast food, carpentry, construction, animal care, metalworking, and even briefly worked for the government.
  • In 2021, I spent much of my time learning about crypto/blockchain technology, technical analysis, and how to successfully invest in and manage digital assets.
  • I find technology interesting and recently began learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Teriyaki beef jerky is my guilty pleasure.
  • Fun fact: I’ve been told I look like Matthew Broderick (Ferris Bueller) on more than one occasion. Weird, I know.