The Top 10 Best Printable Bridal Shower Games Proven To Transform Your Shower Into a Laugh-Out-Loud Fun Celebration

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If you want your bridal shower to be an absolute blast, then look no further! These printable bridal shower games are a hit and guaranteed to make your shower the funnest your guests have even been to.

printable bridal shower games

Finding the perfect games to play at your bridal shower can be like searching for your cellphone, which you left on silent for the 100th time (seriously, we all know the frustration).

You picture a fabulous bridal shower: a joyful celebration overflowing with laughter and smiles, not some painful event in which your poor guests suffer through dull or cringy games.

Know that this list is made entirely of our most-loved printable bridal shower games. That said, armed with it, you’ll be able to throw the ultimate, laugh-out-loud FUN celebration your guests will never forget!

This post is all about the absolute best printable bridal shower games to liven up ANY bridal shower.

Important Note: You can easily grab ALL the games on this list in this Bridal Shower 10 Best Games Bundle. Alternatively, you can use a graphic design tool like Canva and create versions (don’t copy; that’s illegal) of these games yourself.

The Top 10 Best Printable Bridal Shower Games

1. Emoji Pictionary (aka the Emoji Game)

Printable Bridal Shower Games - Emoji Game (Emoji Pictionary)

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If you want an adorable and super fun bridal shower game that will be a hit with guests of all ages, then you will absolutely love Emoji Pictionary (aka the Emoji Game)! Guests have to guess the wedding-related words or phrases that are written in emojis, and whoever gets the most correct, wins!

This game is also one of the best bridal shower games for kids! And speaking of kids, if you want to make your bridal shower a blast for the kiddos, feel free to grab these free printable children’s activity sheets.

2. Wild Gab (the Secret Phrase Game)

Wild Gab Funny Bridal Shower Game

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One of the best printable bridal shower games ever; Wild Gab is an insanely hilarious gem your guests will love playing!

It involves a series of word puzzles. Each puzzle is a set of unrelated words that reveal a secret wedding-related word or phrase when sounded out. For example, the puzzle “Flour Curl” when spoken sounds like “Flower Girl”.

The object of the game varies depending on how you choose to play, but generally, you divide the guests into two teams and work together to solve the puzzles. The first team to solve all of the available puzzles wins. For other fun ways to play:

  1. Set a time limit for each puzzle (e.g. 3 seconds) and the team with the most solved after all the puzzles wins.
  2. Set a time limit for the entire game (e.g. 30 seconds for 10 puzzles) and the team with the most solved after the time runs out wins.
  3. Have each team pick a different person to answer each puzzle. The teams can attempt to direct these individuals to the correct answer (For example: Tell them to “say it fast”, “sound it out slowly”, etc.), but they must not give them the answer or say words too closely related to the answer (i.e. if the answer is “a slice of wedding cake”, don’t say “it’s a piece of the main food found on the cake table”).
  4. Play like #2 only instead of having teams, you give the list of puzzles to each guest and the guest with the most solved after the time runs out wins.

3. Dirty Minds

Dirty Minds Funny Bridal Shower Game

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Need a perfect game to break the ice, and get everyone feeling relaxed, playful, and giggly? Then look no further than the hilarious Dirty Minds game!

The game consists of misleading riddles. Each riddle has a completely clean and innocent answer, but makes the reader think the answer is dirty. For example: Riddle: I start with “V”, all women have me, and I can be used to manipulate men. What am I? Answer: Voice.

4. He Said She Said

He Said She Said Funny Bridal Shower Game

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He Said She Said is a lighthearted game of finger-pointing. Find out where the bride and groom agree and disagree and how well the guests know the couple.

To play:

  1. Ask the bride and groom a set of questions before the shower and take note of their answers.
  2. At the shower, hand out cards containing the questions asked to the guests. Have the guests guess whether the bride, groom, or both said each phrase.

This is a great game to play at either a traditional bridal shower or a couples shower. For extra laughs, you can record your discussion with the bride and groom and play it at the shower.

Want to make your bridal shower a blast for the kids

Children's Activity Sheets for Bridal Shower

Click “Download Now” to Get 100% Free & Fun Children’s Activity Sheets!

5. All Eyes on the Bride

All Eyes on the Bride Funny Bridal Shower Game

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All Eyes on the Bride is a super fun challenge created to test every guests’ attention to detail. After the bride-to-be has had a chance to mingle and everyone has had the opportunity to see her, have her leave the room.

Next hand out the game cards containing questions about the bride’s appearance. Guests then have to dig deep into their memory banks and give their best answers to the questions. The most observant guest wins a prize.

Another fun way to play is to hand out blank sheets of paper and ask the guests to write down what the bride-to-be was wearing (as detailed as possible). The guest with the most correct details wins.

You can also play this at bachelorette parties and even at a couples shower (will the groom be the one who remembers the most about his bride?).

6. Porn or Polish

Porn or Polish Funny Bridal Shower GameBuy on Etsyor Get it in the Bridal Shower 10 Best Games Bundle

Have you ever noticed that nail polish names bear a striking resemblance to the names of porn movies? They are wildly similar and it’s a riot trying to figure out which is which.

Porn or Polish is a simple, yet funny bridal shower game that tests guests’ ability to do just that and will have you and your guest laughing out loud.

7. Finish the Bride’s Phrase

Finish the Bride's Phrase Funny Bridal Shower Game

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This next game on our list of best printable bridal shower games, Finish the Bride’s Phrase, involves reading the bride’s mind.

The bride and all your guests are each given a game card with the beginning of 24 phrases. Your guests job is to finish each phrase with what they believe the bride will say. The guest with the most answers that match the bride’s answers, wins!

8. Wedding Traditions Around the World

Wedding Traditions Around the World Funny Bridal Shower Game

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Wedding Traditions Around the World is a unique, hidden gem of a game that everyone is sure to love!

Guests are given a game card filled with funny yet interesting wedding traditions from various countries. They must then try to match each country to its wedding tradition. The guest with the most correct answers wins!

9. Sweet Love Candy Match

Sweet Love Candy Match Funny Bridal Shower Game

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Sweet Love Candy Match is a simple yet fun bridal shower game that’s sure to get some giggles as guests attempt to match each candy with the wedding-related word that best describes it. Whoever gets the most correct answers wins!

10. What’s in the Bag?

What's in the Bag Funny Bridal Shower Game

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If you’re searching for a game that’s both interactive and incredibly fun, then What’s in the Bag is perfect!

To play, get a bag (make sure you can’t see through it) and fill it with 10 unique items. Give each guest 30 seconds to feel around in the bag without looking. Then have them write down their guesses on a sheet of paper.

Once everyone has written their guesses, reveal the contents of the bag. Whoever had the most correct guesses wins.

This game is super customizable as the items in the bag can be as interesting as you’d like.

You can have normal items, such as a spatula, or really trip guests up with modified items such as a spatula with a Barbie doll taped to it!  The odder the items in the bag, the funnier the game will be. Your imagination is the limit on this one!

For larger groups, you can have a bag for each table.

This post was all about the best printable bridal shower games to liven up any bridal shower.

For game prize ideas your guests will adore, check out this post!

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Funny Bridal Shower Games Best Sellers Bundle

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Hey there! I’m Michele.


And this is my husband Jake! We've been married 10+ years and have a beautiful little girl, a handsome baby boy, and an angel baby. We share family life, baby essentials, bridal shower ideas, gift ideas, finance tips, relationship tips, and more!

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